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      首頁 > 楚玉音樂 > 角色時訊 >


      ? 2024-01-09 23:50 ? 1798次


      1. “stare”的基本意思



      - She was staring at the painting for a long time.(她盯著那幅畫看了很久。)

      - The cat stared at the bird on the windowsill.(貓凝視著窗臺上的鳥。)

      - The abandoned house stared back at us with broken windows and a sagging roof.(那座廢棄的房子因為窗戶破碎、屋頂下垂而顯得陰森可怖。)

      2. “stare”的用法

      2.1 描述人的行為


      - He stared at the woman walking by, unable to believe his eyes.(他盯著那個走過來的女人,簡直不敢相信自己的眼睛。)

      - The children all stared at the clown in amazement.(孩子們驚奇地盯著小丑看。)

      - She stared at him with a mixture of anger and hurt.(她憤怒又受傷地盯著他。)

      - The hiker stared at the dark forest with fear.(徒步旅行者因為害怕而盯著黑暗的森林看。)

      2.2 描述物體的狀態(tài)


      - The old house stared back at us, silent and empty.(那座舊房子默默地空蕩蕩地看著我們。)

      - The big eyes on the stuffed animal stared at me from the shelf.(那個毛絨玩具架子上的大眼睛盯著我看。)

      2.3 與介詞連用


      - Stare at:盯著看

      She stared at the painting for hours.

      - Stare down:凝視以示威脅

      The two boxers stared each other down before the match started.

      - Stare out:凝視到眼睛疲勞

      He stared out of the window for so long that his eyes started to hurt.

      - Stare off:與某人對視

      The two competitors stared each other off before the race began.

      3. 與“stare”相關(guān)的短語和表達


      - Stare in disbelief:不敢相信地看著

      She stared in disbelief at the man who had just stolen her purse.

      - Stare into space:發(fā)愣地盯著

      He stared into space, lost in thought.

      - Stare someone in the face:直視某人

      The truth was staring him in the face, but he refused to see it.

      - Stare daggers at someone:怒視某人

      She stared daggers at her ex-husband when he walked into the room.

      - Stare down the barrel of a gun:面對威脅

      He was staring down the barrel of a gun and knew he had to act fast.

      4. 結(jié)語




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